VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model) (VAC-FMS-VHEM4R6)

VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model)  VAC-FMS-VHEM4R6
  • Mengenrabatt


Hersteller-Teilenummer: VAC-FMS-VHEM4R6


Preis: 26.19

Lieferzeit: 5 Arbeitstage

Technische Daten:

Outer Diameter (D): 6 φ

Flute Length (ℓ): 13 mm

Shank Diameter (d): 6 mm

Overall Length (L): 57 mm

Figure: 2


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VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Features of VAC Unequal Leads

VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Unequal Leads + Unequal Division = Suppressed Chatter Vibration!

Design with Features to Suppress Vibration with Readily Vibrating Objects
Clean surface finish of machined objects!

[ What are unequal leads? ]
By changing the twist angles of each cutting edge of the same end mill, attenuation of generated vibrations is encouraged which leads to suppressed chatter.


VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image
[ What are unequal divisions? ]
The periodicity of the tool vibrations when cutting are cancelled by making the divisions at the bottom of the blade unequal


VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image
Processing Method Side Milling Work Material SUS304 Coolant Water-Soluble
Number of revolutions 4100min-1 Feed 430mm/min Cut Volume Ad:9mm Rd:0.3mm
[ Chatter Vibration Comparison ]
Drastically reduced tool vibration by adopting unequal leads / unequal divisions. Capable of even more stable machining

●Work Material: for S45C (HRc20)

VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Processing Method Side Milling Number of revolutions 4700min-1 Feed 770mm/min Cut Volume Ad:9mm 

●Work Material: for SUS304

VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Processing Method Side Milling Number of revolutions 4100min-1 Feed 430mm/min Cut Volume Ad:9mm 

VAC Unequal Leads - Machining Test Results

VAC Unequal Lead End Mill (φ10) Cutting Example

VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Work Material SUS304 Processing Method Side Face Cutting Coolant Water-Soluble
Number of revolutions 3183min-1 Feed 509mm/min Cut Volume Ad:10mm Rd:5mm
Outer Diameter (D)
Flute Length (ℓ)
Shank Diameter (d)
Overall Length (L)

26.19 €

1 Verfügbar 5 Arbeitstage 6136572


  1. 1


VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model):Related Image

Model Number

Model Number   Flute Length ℓ Overall Length L Shank Diameter d Figure
Flute Diameter D
VAC-FMS-VHEM4R 3 8 57 6 1
4 11 57 6 1
5 13 57 6 1
6 13 57 6 2
8 19 63 8 2
10 22 72 10 2
12 26 83 12 2
14 26 83 14 2
16 32 92 16 2
18 32 92 18 2
20 38 104 20 2
25 38 104 25 2


High efficiency machining can be realized by suppressing chattering through the use of "unequal lead."
Smooth chip discharge is achieved using an optimum groove geometry.
 [ ! ]The electrical conductivity is minimal.

Grundlegende Informationen

Work Material General Steel / Heat-Treated Steel / Edelstahl / Gusseisen / Aluminum Alloy / Titanium Alloy / Copper Alloy Number of Flutes(sheet) 4 Model Quadratisch
Processing Applications Flat Surface / Side Surface / Nut / Thrust (Z-Feed) / Inclined Cutting / Countersunk

Sie befinden sich auf der Seite für VAC Series Carbide Uneven Lead End Mill for Difficult-to-Cut Materials (Regular Model) , die Teilenummer ist VAC-FMS-VHEM4R6.
Sie finden detaillierte Informationen über Spezifikation und Dimensionierung unter der Teilenummer VAC-FMS-VHEM4R6.


Outer Diameter (D)
Flute Length (ℓ)
Shank Diameter (d)
Overall Length (L)

64.78 €

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159.84 €

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170.48 €

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37.67 €

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