Hersteller-Teilenummer: SS0700-PR-1
Marke: SMC
Preis: 18.02 €
Lieferzeit: 98 Arbeitstage
Art: Abstandshalter
Kommunikationsprotokoll: -
Ausgangsformat: -
Type: Plug-in type split base single spacer for SUP / EXH
Number of Inputs/Outputs: -
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SS0700-PR-1 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Art | Kommunikationsprotokoll | Ausgangsformat | Type | Number of Inputs/Outputs | Connector | Number of Stations | Port pipe connection port diameter | Specifications | Applicable valve | Specified DIN rail length | Option | Number of Input/Output Units | Number of Input Blocks | Lead wire length (m) | Common specifications | Manifold wiring specifications | End Plate specifications | |
18.02 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | Abstandshalter | - | - | Plug-in type split base single spacer for SUP / EXH | - | - | - | - | - | - | No DIN rail | N/A | - | - | None | - | - | - |
Sie befinden sich auf der Seite für 5-port solenoid valve plug-in type S0700 series manifold optional parts, die Teilenummer ist SS0700-PR-1.
Sie finden detaillierte Informationen über Spezifikation und Dimensionierung unter der Teilenummer SS0700-PR-1.
Number of Inputs/Outputs
Number of Stations
Port pipe connection port diameter
Applicable valve
Number of Input/Output Units
Number of Input Blocks
Common specifications
Manifold wiring specifications
End Plate specifications
Specified DIN rail length
Lead wire length(m)
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Optionale Eigenschaften
Teilenummer |
SS0700-1A-PD02-C4 |
SS0700-1A-PD03-C4 |
SS0700-1A-PD04-C4 |
SS0700-PR-1-C6 |
SS0700-PR-1-C8 |
SS0700-PR-1-C8-S |
Teilenummer | Standard-Stückpreis | Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Reguläre Versanddauer ? | Art | Kommunikationsprotokoll | Ausgangsformat | Type | Number of Inputs/Outputs | Connector | Number of Stations | Port pipe connection port diameter | Specifications | Applicable valve | Specified DIN rail length | Option | Number of Input/Output Units | Number of Input Blocks | Lead wire length (m) | Common specifications | Manifold wiring specifications | End Plate specifications |
33.39 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | Verteilerblock | - | - | Manifold block assembly tie rods (2 pieces) and lead wire assembly are included. | - | - | 2 | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀4 | - | - | No DIN rail | N/A | - | - | None | - | Double wiring | - | ||
33.39 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | Verteilerblock | - | - | Manifold block assembly tie rods (2 pieces) and lead wire assembly are included. | - | - | 3 | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀4 | - | - | No DIN rail | N/A | - | - | None | - | Double wiring | - | ||
33.39 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | Verteilerblock | - | - | Manifold block assembly tie rods (2 pieces) and lead wire assembly are included. | - | - | 4 | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀4 | - | - | No DIN rail | N/A | - | - | None | - | Double wiring | - | ||
78.39 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | 給排気ブロック | - | - | Plug-in type split type air supply / exhaust block | - | - | - | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀6 | - | - | No DIN rail | For internal pilot, centralized exhaust (standard) | - | - | None | - | - | - | ||
65.92 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | 給排気ブロック | - | - | Plug-in type split type air supply / exhaust block | - | - | - | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀8 | - | - | No DIN rail | For internal pilot, centralized exhaust (standard) | - | - | None | - | - | - | ||
82.63 € | 1 | 98 Arbeitstage | 給排気ブロック | - | - | Plug-in type split type air supply / exhaust block | - | - | - | With one-touch pipe fitting for ⌀8 | - | - | No DIN rail | For direct exhaust (built-in silencer) | - | - | None | - | - | - |