Hersteller-Teilenummer: 6GK52080HA102AA6
Preis: 1,439.77 €
Lieferzeit: 6 Arbeitstage
Ambient temperature (max.): +70 °C
Current consumption: - A
Current consumption: 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s mA
Derzeitiger Verbrauch: IP65|IP67 mA
Interfaces (PC/multimedia): 6GK52080HA102AA6
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6GK52080HA102AA6 |
Teilenummer |
| Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Ambient temperature (max.) (°C) | Current consumption (A) | Current consumption (mA) | Derzeitiger Verbrauch (mA) | Interfaces (PC/multimedia) | Schnittstellen (PC / Multimedia) | IP-Bewertung | IP rating | Manufacturer part # | Hersteller Teilenummer | Anzahl der 10/100 Mbit / s-Ports (x) | No. of 10/100 Mbps ports (x) | Anzahl der 10/100/1000 Mbit / s-Ports (x) | Anzahl der Ethernet-Ports | Anzahl der Glasfaseranschlüsse | No. of fibre-optic ports | No. of SFP ports (x) | Product size (height) (mm) | Product size (depth) (mm) | Product size (width) (mm) | Transfer rate (Mbps) | Type (manufacturer type) | Weight (g) | Working principle | |
1,439.77 € | 1 | 6 Arbeitstage | +70 | - | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP65|IP67 | 6GK52080HA102AA6 | -40 | 8 | - | - | 24 | 124 | 125 | 90 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 HA10-2AA6 | 1000.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 125 | 124 | 90 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 HA10-2AA6 | 1000.0 | Managed switch |
No. of 10/100/1000 Mbps ports(x) | Netzwerk Switch | Betriebsspannung(V DC) | 0:Uninvestigated | Product type | Network switch |
Sie befinden sich auf der Seite für Network switch, die Teilenummer ist 6GK52080HA102AA6.
Sie finden detaillierte Informationen über Spezifikation und Dimensionierung unter der Teilenummer 6GK52080HA102AA6.
Current consumption(A)
IP rating
Manufacturer part #
Ambient temperature (max.)(°C)
Current consumption(mA)
Derzeitiger Verbrauch(mA)
Interfaces (PC/multimedia)
Schnittstellen (PC / Multimedia)
Hersteller Teilenummer
Anzahl der 10/100 Mbit / s-Ports(x)
No. of 10/100 Mbps ports(x)
Anzahl der 10/100/1000 Mbit / s-Ports(x)
Anzahl der Ethernet-Ports
Anzahl der Glasfaseranschlüsse
No. of fibre-optic ports
No. of SFP ports(x)
Product size (height)(mm)
Product size (depth)(mm)
Product size (width)(mm)
Transfer rate(Mbps)
Type (manufacturer type)
Working principle
Filtern nach vsl. Lieferzeit
Optionale Eigenschaften
Teilenummer |
6GK52040BA002AF2 |
6GK52080BA002AB2 |
6GK52080BA002AC2 |
6GK52122BB002AA3 |
6GK52133BF002TB2 |
6GK54080PA008AP2 |
Teilenummer | Standard-Stückpreis | Mindestbestellmenge | Mengenrabatt | Reguläre Versanddauer ? | Ambient temperature (max.) (°C) | Current consumption (A) | Current consumption (mA) | Derzeitiger Verbrauch (mA) | Interfaces (PC/multimedia) | Schnittstellen (PC / Multimedia) | IP-Bewertung | IP rating | Manufacturer part # | Hersteller Teilenummer | Anzahl der 10/100 Mbit / s-Ports (x) | No. of 10/100 Mbps ports (x) | Anzahl der 10/100/1000 Mbit / s-Ports (x) | Anzahl der Ethernet-Ports | Anzahl der Glasfaseranschlüsse | No. of fibre-optic ports | No. of SFP ports (x) | Product size (height) (mm) | Product size (depth) (mm) | Product size (width) (mm) | Transfer rate (Mbps) | Type (manufacturer type) | Weight (g) | Working principle |
666.67 € | 1 | 6 Arbeitstage | +60 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP20 | 6GK52040BA002AF2 | -40 | 4 | - | - | 24 | 73 | 125 | 75 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5204-0 BA00-2AF2 | 250.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 125 | 73 | 75 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5204-0 BA00-2AF2 | 250.0 | Managed switch | ||
700.28 € | 1 | 3 Arbeitstage | +60 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP20 | 6GK52080BA002AB2 | 0 | 8 | - | - | - | 109 | 117 | 40 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 BA00-2AB2 | 250.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 117 | 109 | 40 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 BA00-2AB2 | 250.0 | Managed switch | ||
839.21 € | 1 | 9 Arbeitstage | +70 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP20 | 6GK52080BA002AC2 | -40 | 8 | - | - | 24 | 125 | 147 | 60 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 BA00-2AC2 | 520.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 147 | 125 | 60 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5208-0 BA00-2AC2 | 520.0 | Managed switch | ||
3,024.09 € | 1 | 4 Arbeitstage | +60 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP30 | 6GK52122BB002AA3 | -40 | 12 | - | - | 24 | 124 | 125 | 120 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5212-2 BB00-2AA3 | 1200.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 125 | 124 | 120 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5212-2 BB00-2AA3 | 1200.0 | Managed switch | ||
2,217.37 € | 1 | 6 Arbeitstage | +60 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s | IP20 | 6GK52133BF002TB2 | 0 | 8 | - | - | - | 109 | 117 | 120 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5213-3 BF00-2TB2 | 500.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 117 | 109 | 120 | 10 / 100 | 6 GK 5213-3 BF00-2TB2 | 500.0 | Managed switch | ||
2,829.13 € | 1 | 6 Arbeitstage | +60 | RJ45 | 10 MBit/s|100 MBit/s|1000 MBit/s | IP20 | 6GK54080PA008AP2 | -40 | - | 8 | - | - | 125 | 147 | 70 | 10 / 100 / 1000 | 6 GK 5408-0 PA 00-8 AP2 | 700.0 | Verwalteter Switch | 147 | 125 | 70 | 10 / 100 / 1000 | 6 GK 5408-0 PA 00-8 AP2 | 700.0 | Managed switch |