Gewindereparaturwerkzeug, Matrizensatz【14-59 Stk. pro Packung】 (M4-12)

Gewindereparaturwerkzeug, Matrizensatz M4-12
  • Mengenrabatt


Hersteller-Teilenummer: M4-12


Preis: 164.22

Lieferzeit: 6 Arbeitstage

Technische Daten:

Set Content: Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5, Dies Dia. 25: M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5, 1 Pc. Each of Tap Handle 10 mm / Dies Handle Dia. 25, Total 14 Items

JAN Code: 4990052054952

Trusco Code: 751-2996


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Anzahl Stk. im PaketMindestbestellmengeMengenrabatt
Set Content JAN Code Trusco Code

164.22 €

14 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5, Dies Dia. 25: M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5, 1 Pc. Each of Tap Handle 10 mm / Dies Handle Dia. 25, Total 14 Items4990052054952751-2996


  1. 1

Grundlegende Informationen

Tap Type Ölöffnungshahn

Sie befinden sich auf der Seite für Gewindereparaturwerkzeug, Matrizensatz, die Teilenummer ist M4-12.
Sie finden detaillierte Informationen über Spezifikation und Dimensionierung unter der Teilenummer M4-12.


TeilenummerStandard-StückpreisAnzahl Stk. im PaketMindestbestellmengeMengenrabattReguläre
Set Content JAN Code Trusco Code

164.10 €

14 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75, Dies Dia. 25: 1 Pc. Each of M4 x .7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75, 1 Pc. of Tap Handle 10 mm, 1 Pc. of Dies Handle Dia. 25, Total 14 Items4990052054662751-2741

170.99 €

18 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5, 1 Pc. Each of Dies Dia. 25: M3 x 0.5/M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5, Tap Handle: 10 mm x 1 Pc., Dies Handle Dia. 25 x 1 Pc., Total 18 Items4990052054679751-2759

60.92 €

20 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0/ M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75, 1 Pc. Each of Dies Dia. 25: M3 x 0.5/M4 x 0.7/M5 x 0.8/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/ M12 x 1.75, Tap Handle 10 mm x 1 Pc., Dies Handles Dia. 25 x 1 Pc., Total 20 Items4990052081095751-2970

1,059.98 €

59 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung Verfügbar 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M3 x 0.6/M4 x 0.7/M4 x 0.75/M5 x 0.8/ M5 x 0.9/M6 x 0.75/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.0/M10 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75/M13 x 1.75/M14 x 1.25/M14 x 1.5/M14 x 2.0/M16 x 1.5/M16 x 2.0/M18 x 1.5/M18 x 2.5/M20 x 1.5/M20 x 2.5/1/4NF28/1/8PT28, Dies Dia. 38: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M3 x 0.6/M4 x 0.7/M4 x 0.75/M5 x 0.8/M5 x 0.9/M6 x 0.75/M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.0/M10 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75/M13 x 1.75, 1 Pc. Each of Dies Dia. 50: M14 x 1.25/M14 x 1.5/M14 x 2.0/M16 x 1.5/M16 x 2.0/M18 x 1.5/M18 x 2.5/M20 x 1.5/M20 x 2.5, 1 Pc. Each of Tap Handle 10 mm & 20 mm / Tap holder 6 mm / Dies Handle Dia. 38 & Dia. 50, Total 59 Items4990052081200751-2988

363.34 €

18 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M14 x 1.5/M16 x 1.5/M18 x 1.5, 1 Pc. Each of Dies Dia 38: M6 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M10 x 1.25/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M14 x 1.5/M16 x 1.5/M18 x 1.5, 1 Pc. Each of 20 mm Tap Handle / Dies Handle Dia. 38, Total 18 Items4990052054938751-3003

334.87 €

54 Stk. pro Packung

1 Packung 6 Arbeitstage Medium Tap: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M3 x 0.6/M4 x 0.7/M4 x 0.75/M5 x 0.8/M5 x 0.9/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0 /M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.0/M10 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75/M14 x 1.5/M14 x 2.0/M16 x 1.5/M16 x 2.0/M18 x 1.5/M18 x 2.5/1/8PT28, Dies Dia. 25: 1 Pc. Each of M3 x 0.5/M3 x 0.6/M4 x 0.7/M4 x 0.75/M5 x 0.8/M5 x 0.9/M6 x 1.0/M7 x 1.0/M8 x 1.25/M9 x 1.25/M10 x 1.0/M10 x 1.25/M10 x 1.5/M12 x 1.25/M12 x 1.5/M12 x 1.75, 1 Pc. Each of Dies Dia. 38: M14 x 1.5/M14 x 2.0/M16 x 1.5/M16 x 2.0/M18 x 1.5/M18 x 2.5/1/8PT28, 1 Pc. Each of Tap Handle 10 mm & 20 mm / Tap Holder 6 mm / Ratchet Holder 10 mm / Dies Handles Dia. 25 & Dia. 38 / Pitch Gauge / Baby Screwdriver, Total 54 Items4990052032929751-3330

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