NIHONSUPERIOR Lötzinn, Lötdrähte, Lötstäbe
Lieferzeit |
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- 5 Tage oder weniger
- 6 Tage oder weniger
- 7 Tage oder weniger
- 9 Tage oder weniger
- 10 Tage oder weniger
- 12 Tage oder weniger
- 26 Tage oder weniger
- 29 Tage oder weniger
?* Informationen zur Lieferzeit und Preisen
An updated SN100C (010) product. Boasts excellent wettability. Helps prevent solder bridging and shrinkage.
· Has great results when used for wave soldering. Suitable for the soldering of products with large usage environment loads.
· The effects of the trace additives nickel and germanium help provide excellent workability and inhibit the generation of solder bridging and shrinkage.
· Creates a nickel barrier, inhibiting copper leaching.
· Is affected little by harsh conditions, helping ensure stable quality (atmospheric exposure test).
· Features excellent growth characteristics, helping mitigate the effects of expansion and contraction resulting from heat generated by components and circuit boards.
· Reduces the generation of dross.
ab∗ : |
96.50 €
Minimum Lieferzeit : |
5 Arbeitstage
*Stückpreis Standardkonfiguration
Flux-less solder.
· Has great results when used for wave soldering. Suitable for the soldering of products with large usage environment loads.
· The effects of the trace additives nickel and germanium help provide excellent workability and inhibit the generation of solder bridging and shrinkage.
· Creates a nickel barrier, inhibiting copper leaching.
· Is affected little by harsh conditions, helping ensure stable quality (atmospheric exposure test).
· Features excellent growth characteristics, helping mitigate the effects of expansion and contraction resulting from heat generated by components and circuit boards.
· Reduces the generation of dross.
ab∗ : |
66.70 €
Minimum Lieferzeit : |
26 Arbeitstage
*Stückpreis Standardkonfiguration
Warenzeichen |
Artikelserie |
ab∗ |
Minimum Lieferzeit : |
Artikelserie | Bleifreies Röhrenlötzinn | Bleifreies Lot |
ab∗ |
96.50 €
*Stückpreis Standardkonfiguration Mengenrabatt |
66.70 €
*Stückpreis Standardkonfiguration |
Minimum Lieferzeit : |
5 Arbeitstage
26 Arbeitstage
Suchergebnisse durch Herstellerauswahl einschränken
Suchergebnisse durch Auswahl des CAD-Formats einschränken
Weitere Kategorien aus dem Produktbereich Lötzinn, Lötdrähte, Lötstäbe